Thursday, September 17, 2015

FVSU 101

FVSU 101

Mass Communications and Education Programs
By: Quacy Hammonds

When stepping foot on your college campus, there will be quite a few unknowns. Although each individual experience is unique to the student and their perspective school, there is one common factor we share in the beginning: the required task of applying for scholarships, completing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid, financial aid, buying expensive textbooks, parking decals, the first homecoming, and of course, deciding what to major in. We know our scholars here at Fort Valley State University possess the knowledge to succeed at their goals. 
For those who may need a few pointers to head in the right direction, unsure of what to expect, or just seeking more information on a particular major, our FVSU 101 course is designed to give student-to-student insight on how you can excel in the classroom and in your career. 


1.     Your balance sheet is to become your magical map to getting out of the maze on time! (Provided there isn’t anything less than a “B” on the front side)

2.     Take Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators Basic Skills as soon as you can, its bark is bigger than its bite!

3.     Run from College of Education Dean, Dr. Edward Hill- if you have not done the two aforementioned!

4.     Find Dr. Alfrieda Manson, Ed.D. Director of Clinical and Field Experiences, College of Education. For every reason you find you want to leave or quit, (and you will) she will find every reason to convince you that you can do anything you set your unyielding mind to do.

5.     Most importantly, you will need to have a love for children and all there is to come with shaping young minds. (This means watching social media-and your reputation).


1.     Be versatile: read as well as you write, write as well as you speak, speak well enough to present yourself and brand as someone desired by the company of interest.

2.     Invest in your own materials, equipment, and resources. Being able to get the job done without outside assistance is a great way to showcase your drive and desire to complete the task at hand. (If assistance is required, DO NOT be afraid to speak up.) 

3.     Network and build your portfolio: Teamwork makes the dream work, cliché, but, it’s true across the board. Networking can open doors that may not have been accessible before. While networking be sure to save any completed work you’ve done as a group and alone. The assignments from teachers will add up, along with classmates wanting your help, building a portfolio should be something you start early in your college tenure. 

4.     Take your classes IN SEQUENCE! Dr. Andrew Lee, Professor of Speech, and Chata Spikes, Professor of Public Relations will not take excuses in the upper level courses. By then you should be familiar with your major and the expectations. 

5.     Practice, study and master your craft. Love your craft, and be passionate about it. Do what you love as often as possible, experiment, fail (because you will, it’s a part of life), learn how to pick yourself back up and continue strive for excellence. 

FVSU's Department of Visual and Performing Arts & Media Studies - formerly Fine Arts, Humanities and Mass Communication - offers two majors: Visual and Performing Arts and the other in Media Studies,  instead of the previously offered three degrees, Commercial Design Music and Mass Communication. 

Now students will be able to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts or a Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies degree with a concentration in the following areas: 

Visual and Performing Arts

Digital Music and Sound  
Digital Media and Design 
Studio Arts 
Theatre and Performance Studies 
Vocal/Instrumental Music 

Media Studies 

Digital Journalism 
Public Relations 

The commitment to excellence is implemented through the partnership with the College of Education, as well as public schools, in the preparation of proficient educators. We offer majors in:

Middle Grades 
- Bachelor of Science 
- Post Baccalaureate
- Master of Science  (MSEd) offered at Warner Robins Campus

Early Childhood/Special Education
- Bachelor of Science
- Master of Science 

Agriculture Education
- Bachelor of Science 
- Post Baccalaureate

Health and Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science 

Family and Consumer Sciences
- Bachelor of Science 

School Counselor Education
- Master of Science  (MSEd) offered at Warner Robins Campus 
- Education Specialist (EdS) offered at Warner Robins Campus 

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