Friday, June 19, 2015

Managing Post Graduation Stress

                                                      By. Ashley E. Johnson

 "It's SENIOR YEAR and the stress is already high, so let me help you reduce some of it. 
  • Procrastination should not be in your vocabulary this year. The cause of a lot of “senior year stress” is last-minute rushing. Turn in all assignments on time (ahead of time if you can). 
  • When it comes to graduation deadlines, write them on your calendar AND in your phone. Attend all senior meetings, so you know what’s going on and when. 
Incorporate these tips in the beginning of the year, and it should be a breeze. So keep your head up, work hard, because this is YOUR year! Be successful and prepare yourself to walk across that stage.
By. Valencia Murphy

Graduation is just around the corner and yes this is one of the happiest time of your life, but its also one of the most stressful times of your life.
The unknown possibilities of what lie ahead after graduation can be scary. With me being a graduating senior, I am very familiar with the stress that comes with graduating.
Am I going to move back in with my parents?
Should I just found a job and stay in this area?
Am I going to go to graduate school?
How am I going to pay these loans back?
Don’t let these thoughts ruin your last semester of school. Here are a few tips to help make your last semester a little easier.
  1. Pay your graduation dues ahead of time. 
  2. Do not wait until the last minute! 
  3. Try to attend all senior meetings. These will provide very important information. 
  4. Start applying for jobs/graduate school early. 
  5. Save Your Money! Enjoy your last Undergrad semester!
By. Aquarius Hollis
Being a senior at the Fort Valley State University is the most bittersweet thing ever. You realize that your time is approaching and soon you will be the one
walking across the stage, just like past people have done before you. You wonder what will your next move will be.
Is graduate school in the plans? 
Where will you live? 
Do I actually have to go back to my mom’s house? 
Just sitting and thinking about it can get quite overwhelming. So I'm here to tell you to RELAX. Take a big deep breath in and remember this is only the beginning. Your life starts after you walk across that stage. You start a whole new adventure. Let god be your strength and leader. You will be one degree hotter as they say. Make sure you have a plan of whats next before your big day so as you get your diploma you will be at ease. Know that if you can graduate from Fort Valley State University you can do anything. Pray every day and ask god to lead your path.

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